Hey Guys!!
Today I would like to write a few words about the wonderful, Polish singer, which is called.. Pati Sokol! Pati singing since she was born, but the first time I heard her was last year when she performed at a charity concert at the Pepsi Arena stadium in Poland. She sang a romantic song from the repertoire of Kate Bush's "This Woman's Work". Pati has a amazing, high voice known as a coloratura soprano. In 2011, she flew to Los Angeles at the invitation of Mr. Seth Riggs to train her voice. At the same time, Pati began working with producers who were impressed by her talent and personality, the result of which was released in March of this year, the first single, which has raised a lot of controversy and led to a huge interest among Polish and foreign media. The video within two weeks received 200,000 clicks on YouTube. You need to watch this:
A few days ago, was premiere of her second video "Let's get naked." http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BzB8_uss9TA At this time, Pati singing for people in Poland and abroad. She sings songs from the repertoire of Michael Jackson & Kate Bush.. I hope that you will like her, because she's exceptional, friendly person with a great talent.... and she's polish girl :)))) If you want to know more go to her website www.patisokol.pl
Kochani! Dzisiaj kilka slow na ten wspanialej polskiej, wokalistki PATI SOKOL :)) Jesli jeszcze o Niej nie slyszeliscie to musi sie to zmienic, bo naprawde jest bardzo interesujaca postacia! Spiewa i wystepuje od dziecka ale ja uslyszalam Ja pierwszy raz w zeszlym roku, kiedy wystapila na charytatywnym koncercie w Pepsi Arena :) Ciekawostka jest fakt, ze posiada nietypowy, bardzo wysoki glos, nazywany sopranem koloraturowym, ktory zaprowadzil Ja az do Los Angeles, gdzie cwiczyla warsztat pod okiem samego Seth'a Riggs'a. Jesli nie wiecie kim jest ten Pan :) bedziecie zaskoczeni, bo sam Michael Jackson uczyl sie u Niego przez cale swoje zycie.. Na polskim rynku zrobilo sie glosno o Pati za sprawa fantastycznego teledysku do piosenki "This woman's work" w ktorym wystapila Weronika Rosati.. przyniosl wiele komentarzy, kontrowersji i zainteresowania mediow. Ale o to chodzilo! Teraz Pati dziala jak moze i juz wydala kolejny singiel "Let's get naked" :)))) Mam nadzieje, ze wkrotce grono Jej wielbicieli wzrosnie, bo to prawidzwy talent i perelka na polskim rynku!!!!! Nie wiem jak Wy ale ja jestem na TAK :))) i czekam na maly koncert w Londynie!
Here are some pics of her first video.. :) with lovely polish actress Weronika Rosati :)
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